Apex Advertising, a television commercial production company based in Accra Ghana has received thumbs up and a congratulatory message from SignUp International which is also a promotions & Marketing firm for all their creative works in the advertising industry.
The company (SignUp International) gave this congratulatory message to Apex on their recent TV commercial for mobile telecommunication-GLO mobile which stars Nadia Buari called ‘Dear Network’.

According to the company, Apex had the concept right as always, filming through to the final output was also very good hence the commercial has everything advertising.

‘If you watch that commercial, it tells a story, it also exhibits persuasion and finally it has a message. These are the components of every good commercial’, the PR noted.

He continued: ‘the story is simple, unsatisfied customer wants to move to a different service and therefore is saying her good bye with a note on the wall’. This is the reason why we are  saying  Apex had it right: ‘if a man and woman is staying together and one of them is living due to unsatisfied reasons what happens most of the time is exactly how Apex told the story, a note on the wall with a simple message- am leaving you’.

He maintained: ‘the commercial has persuasion because the VO (voice over) tells us the reasons why the lady is moving away hence if anyone watching is facing such problems  with his or her network why wouldn’t they join’.

In talking about the message part of it, the PR said, let’s say you met the ending part of it, one will still understand the commercial because at the tail end of the commercial the message is repeated in a clear audio- visual effect  and in fact you are  taught how to move to the new service.

The Public relations officer gave his final words as, the concept is good, unique and very simple, editing well cut plus the directing careful shots chosen both on location and on bench, therefore as a promotions and marketing company - SIGNUP INT we think in our opinion Apex Advertising deserves a thumbs up for all their hard work providing quality unique television commercials that entertains and also informs as well.

SIGNUP International which is located 10th estate road, kanda estate along the kanda highway is here to provide for customers and commercial producers the other side of advertising which is the new media service and they will be doing more of these to boost production houses morale, hence they are open for any future dealing which will challenge the ads industry in Ghana to grow better.

Story: www. 18newspaper.com


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