One of the best compositions ever made in the history of arts of this great nation is the national Anthem. Its first composition was made by Mr. Philip Gbeho during the 1966 coup de tat and later during a competition was remixed as we call it in the music cycles by one Michael Kwame Gbordzoe.

The national anthem is without argument the most popular and well respected song in the land. It is the only song that brings unity among Ghanaians, it is also the only song that commands respect where ever it is played, and people have to stop whatever they are doing until it ends. 

Funny enough the National Anthem as a song is used to induct the President (father of the land into office every time there is a swearing in ceremony after an election year.

18newspaper wants to on behalf of the two composers say, ‘stop playing the national anthem if you will not respect the art and creative industry after all the government has not paid the due rights to own the anthem.
Why are we saying so, the first question, is the national anthem a song, what will we call those who composed it, can that person be called a musician?

Second question, after the competition of which Michael Kwame Gbordzoe won has the family benefited from that great piece of work, years of usage? Does the government need to pay royalties to the family of the composer every time they play that music.

If Kwame and Gbeho were to be alive today would they have taken the government on for their intellectual property? How would they be faring now, will they be looking like the old musicians in the country who can hardly feed themselves and their families.

Why would the country neglect the arts industry while it is the arts that direct the affairs of the country? 

Stop playing the national anthem if you will not respect the arts industry, stop reciting the national pledge if you will not respect the arts industry and also stop using the coat of arms if you will not respect the arts industry because the government claims ownership for all these things created for the country by players of the arts industry. 

In case you are a cooperate worker and you cannot sing the national anthem (as usual) which was created by a player in the arts industry, then below are the lyrics, we hope that you will realize how important the arts and creative industry is and start taking it serious.

God bless our homeland Ghana
And make our nation great and strong,
Bold to defend forever
The cause of Freedom and of Right;
Fill our hearts with true humility,
Make us cherish fearless honesty,
And help us to resist oppressors' rule
With all our will and might for evermore.
Second stanza
Hail to thy name, O Ghana,
To thee we make our solemn vow:
Steadfast to build together
A nation strong in Unity;
With our gifts of mind and strength of arm,
Whether night or day, in the midst of storm,
In ev'ry need, whate'er the call may be,
To serve thee, Ghana, now and evermore.
Third stanza
Raise high the flag of Ghana
and one with Africa advance;
Black star of hope and honour
To all who thirst for liberty;
Where the banner of Ghana freely flies,
May the way to freedom truly lie;
Arise, arise, O sons of Ghana land,
And under God march on for evermore!


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